The chef of Picaro to the conquest of Los Cabos

When we talk about Picaro by Romeo and Julieta, we instinctively think of the mischief that both his chef and the restaurant’s dishes have. The scenario of what Picaro is opens up a world of possibilities to play with the ingredients, with the cocktails and with the person who is there with you.


Christian Ricci, executive chef and who will accompany you during your culinary journey, shared that thanks to his grandmother he wanted to venture into the world of cooking. The Italian remembers how he approached a small bank to reach the stove and prepare some eggs.

When he is with friends, he always cooks something that allows him to interact with them like a fresh ceviche or asado. But when he returns from work, his first option is always to order UberEATS.

If one day you go to Picaro and he is not there, you will most likely find him visiting one of his friends’ restaurants to see what they are doing. Healthy competition among colleagues is something that came to Los Cabos about four years ago, the chef tells us, and that has gradually increased.

The relaxed atmosphere of its restaurant, and that first level experience with exemplary service is what you will find if one day you decide to visit them. For Ricci, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and ask for the dish you want.


Trust his hands, you will not regret it.

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